How To Apply For UK Jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship From Uganda Through Explorer Dubai Ltd?
Employment match-maker provide UK jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship– placing jobseekers into vacant roles, saving a client company the hassle and time spent finding suitable candidates themselves. We help and prepare job seekers to land their dream roles, and businesses solve their staffing needs in the UK.

For Every Worker You Hire We Donate $ 10 To Charity

Table of Contents

UK jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship Overview

UK jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship It’s a big, wide world out there, and the United Kingdom covers much of it in terms of opportunity; however, it is approximately 243,610 sq. km but boundless in job vacancies. 

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries:

England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: yes, those four. 

Many of us simply know these four countries together as the UK, but they are also known as Great Britain. 

This term, the United Kingdom, is a geographic definition that refers to the island, whose population is 67.2 million (and counting), and can be simply called Britain.

It must not be forgotten that the United Kingdom is also a political term. This term denotes or defines the independent countries, including all of Great Britain and the country of Northern Ireland.

Each of these countries has its unique traditions and customs, which makes the UK very diverse indeed. As a result, the cultural and social norms vary, but they do not threaten its unity, thankfully. 

Most people know the UK for the English Premier League (EPL). 

That’s because it is our weekly leisure companion in Uganda. It is also possibly the world’s most well marketed and high-profile sports league in the world. We are talking of it having millions of fans around the world. 

The 2016/17 season was the 25TH anniversary of the EPL, so we were able to see before our eyes its massive contribution, positively and negatively, to the world and to the world of football. 

It is not only a sporting showcase; it is a culture that makes us all one being when cheering on our favorite team or players.

Another thing we know about the UK is its popular culture, movies, and music. 

Now, more than ever, we love to get lost in film, TV, and music. 

We are addicted to UK productions, so we love biopics documentaries, songs, dancing extravaganzas, and many others. 

Sure, we love American TV series and musicians such as Chris Brown, Michael Jackson, and Eminem. Still, we always look to the UK when it comes to quality. 

There’s something about that island’s adherence to doing the best that makes us crave their work. 

However, let’s examine the culture of the UK further and see what makes those islanders tick.

What Is The Culture Of The UK? For Those Thinking To Apply For UK Jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship

You know the saying, “When in Rome do as Romans do”? You are now going to the UK, and you must do as the British (Brits) do. 

First, always be punctual. 

There’s no room for your so-called “African time”, which means being late simply because nobody rushes in Africa. 

It is considered rude in the UK, so you will offend someone with your late coming. 

Sure, coming late is maybe inevitable sometimes. 

So if you know you are going to be late for anything, it is considered polite and correct to contact those concerned and tell them that you will be late in the UK. 

A small detail you must know about late coming is that being late to a private function, like a dinner party at someone’s home, is seen as far more rude than it is to be late for a public function or get-together. 

Please note this, and you will not offend anyone. 

Secondly, you should never jump lines or queues. Even in Uganda, it is considered unacceptable. 

Do you remember when Dr Kizza Besigye fell out with the Museveni regime by declaring his presidential candidature? 

Then senior government official Mr. Amama Mbabazi accused him of having “jumped the queue”. 

Well, that was figurative. And it was still seen as wrong. 

In the UK, people will be furious and unhappy when you choose to jump the queue, physically and metaphorically. 

Standing patiently in the queue is a normal part of British culture.

In the UK, you should keep a distance, preferably by standing one arm’s length between yourself and the person you’re talking to. 

Suppose you stand any closer, as we love to do in Uganda. In that case, it will be seen as aggressive and make a Briton (another name for a native of Britain) uncomfortable. 

Maybe that’s why the popular British Rock band “Police” sang the hit song “Don’t Stand So Close to Me”. 

The Brits love to say “thank you” and “sorry” as part of their normal speech or interactions. They are very polite, so you should make sure that you emulate or copy them if you want to gain their attention or trust. 

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How About Their Food If You Want To Apply For UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship? 

UK Jobs For Ugandans With Visa Sponsorship. Paid Farm Work Abroad

Sure, one can find a variety of foods in the UK, including Luwombo and Matooke. 

It is a cosmopolitan and metropolitan melting pot, after all. 

However, the UK natives love: 

Fish and Chips, Bangers and Mash (sausages and mashed potatoes), Full English Breakfast (back bacon, fried, poached or scrambled eggs, fried or grilled tomatoes, fried mushrooms, fried bread or buttered toast, and sausages, black pudding, baked beans). 

And there’s Sunday Roast (roasted meat, roast potatoes, and accompaniments such as Yorkshire pudding, stuffing, gravy, and condiments such as apple sauce, mint sauce, or redcurrant jelly).

 Toad in the Hole (sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter, usually served with onion gravy and vegetables), Shepherd’s Pie/Cottage Pie (cooked minced meat topped with mashed potato), and, finally, Steak and Kidney Pie.

Suppose you’re feeling hungry from that mouthful of information. In that case, the UK is the place for you, and we (Explorer Dubai Ltd.) are the ones to make sure you satisfy your cravings by taking you to the UK. 

1.1 million Job vacancies in the UK

Yes, we said it. 

There are 1.1 million job vacancies in the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). 

These 1.1 million job vacancies in the UK are spread across so many types of occupations, so you are sure to partake of the highest level of jobs and enjoy the marked job increase of 318,000 vacancies from last year. 

It is incredible but so true. 

The UK has the sixth-largest economy in the world. It is essentially a country where jobs may be found in local and international businesses. 

On the whole, about 32 million people are working in the UK.

The UK is the best place to work, with unemployment at 4%. The labor market is robust, especially for graduates.

But even for unskilled laborers, their work is of paramount importance.

 With the right experience matching qualifications and skills in terms of who can get a job, the UK offers a world of good to skilled and unskilled workers. 

Foreign nationals need to know English, though.

French and Mandarin are an added advantage since many international communities in the UK. These have changed the language landscape and demanded more linguistic diversity. 

Suppose you add this job situation to the excellent working conditions and many employment opportunities. In that case, the UK has become one of the most popular destinations for employment in the whole world. 

There’s A Shortage Of Skills In The UK, Therefore, Apply For UK Jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship

Yes, it is true: there is a skills shortage in the UK. It may seem crazy, but skilled persons are needed in the following areas: 

Hospitality: The UK needs people to work in bars and eateries, so Explorer Dubai Ltd needs baristas, cleaners, and general workers in these areas. 

Engineering: whether you’re a civil, electrical, or mechanical engineer, your services are dearly required along with those of product and process engineers. 

  • Construction: the UK needs surveyors, project managers, and, oh yes, planners (city or urban planners). 

Business services: HR officers, market researchers analysts, and the like are all required. 

  • Education: When it comes to education, primary and secondary as well as a nursery, teachers are required, Maths teachers especially. 
  • Healthcare: medical practitioners of every stripe are needed, which means nurses, pediatricians, doctors, and medical radiographers are required. 

IT: We live in a virtual world, so systems engineers, software developers, SEO marketers, and cyber security experts/analysts are needed. 

Social workers: counselors and caregivers are very much in demand in the UK. 

The Process Of Getting You UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

UK Jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship. Explorer Dubai Ltd. will need a short CV and cover letter from all applicants. The CVs should be no longer than two sides of A4 and cover letters no more than a page.

If we shortlist you for a job, we shall set up interviews to elaborate on later.

Let’s Look At Where These UK Jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship Are Found:

Most of these 1.1 million UK Jobs for Ugandans with visa sponsorship are in the retail sector and motor vehicle repair. This is appropriate for Ugandans because Uganda’s retail businesses contribute an average of 18% to GDP and 16% of the country’s total labor force. 

It is also a fact that the skill shortages in the UK have led to an increase in vacancies to record levels. This lack of skilled staff opens doors for Ugandans who opt to work in the UK.

Work In The UK If You Can Apply For UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

The average working week is Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

Hours of work will be spelled out in your contract of employment. However, you shall work 48 hours a week unless you work overtime. 

Work is flexible, and you can even work part-time. 

All workers are given one day off a week, four weeks of paid annual leave, sick pay, maternity and paternity leave. 

Employers are not required by law to allow days off on bank or public holidays. But, still, employees mainly observe these holidays. 

There are eight bank/public holidays per year in England and Wales, nine in Scotland, and ten in Northern Ireland.

The government has set a National Living Wage (NLW) of at least £8.72.

You shall also pay Income Tax, which is 20% of your salary, which, compared to Uganda’s tax that varies from 10% to 30% depending on the income bracket, is quite agreeable.  

UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

The European Commission, despite Brexit, has set out the terms and conditions for European Union (EU) citizens when one has or gets a UK visa: 

With a UK visa, you will be able to freely move to another EU country to work without a work permit.

A UK visa will avail you of fair and equal treatment regarding employment, working conditions, and all other social and tax advantages.

You can stay in the UK after employment, as long as the Visa extends beyond the job you’re doing.

Benefits/Features For UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

Why Do We Have The Best Database Of Visa Applicants?

We vet everyone or anyone who wishes to get a visa

Our Process, in this regard, has a spotless driving record. That’s because we check each applicant’s history for records and action. 

We check and crosscheck for the credibility and behavior of our applicants. 

Of course, the health of our applicants is taken into account, but not for discriminatory purposes. This helps us route their applications to a job appropriate to their offer.  

The ability to communicate with those you serve is at a premium, so we always keep all our applicants in the know.  

Our staff is knowledgeable and competent in helping our customers and clients get what they seek.

Minimum Qualifications For Applicants Who Want UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

All applicants must meet the following minimum qualifications or requirements:

  • Applicants must be at least 21 years old
  • Applicants must have a valid national ID 
  • Applicants must have a diploma or degree from an accredited institution of learning
  • Applicants must be able to obtain a Ugandan passport
  • Applicants must provide no less than 2 years of working experience 
  • Previous employers, references will be checked for verifiability
  • Applicants must show stable work history and good references (no more than one employer in the last year) for skilled workers. 

How It Works How to get applications processed by us For UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

Step One

Schedule a free consultation now! Or

Call us today or

WhatsApp now or

Book Online

Tell us the requirements:


Required date


Salary range

Other employment benefits

We promise to respond immediately or, if not possible, within 12 hours.

Step Two

We shall give you twice the required opportunities for selection

Step Three

We shall organize interviews as per your reference either by:

Physical interview- We shall help organize your accommodation and venue 

Through Skype

We shall carry out necessary government clearances

We shall send all the successful candidates as soon as you want us to.

If practical interviews are required; we shall:

Arrange and provide the test for our applicants

Arrange the best test ground available. 

Happy customers will always say it

“A lie runs the field halfway before the truth puts on its pants” 

What Our Clients Are Saying About UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

Based on 49 reviews
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alaphat ssekubulwa
12:27 12 Oct 22
Most trustable in bridging the employment gap.
Sandra namu uganda
15:54 06 Sep 22
Best company ever! There’s no better company than Explorer Dubai limited. I used it four years ago am so happy even just planning to visit home since 2018. I remember when I have finished three years this side I got a call asking me if am okay or there is any problem .thanks for the care.
Great customer care.. n legit works.. n genuine company for what it advertises to do
Kaps Tim
11:33 16 Jun 22
There’s no better company than this in Uganda.
They are organise but very slow

Pricing For UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

How Much Does It Cost?

Our recruitment is ideally free.

However, we also know the international labor market is diversified with each country’s specific labor requirements and laws. Therefore, we shall discuss your quote one-on-one if you so desire.

We take pride in offering affordable yet superior services.

We know it is stressful to source for a good, gainful job. And because we know that a good job lends peace of mind to the applicant or employee.

Schedule a free consultation now! Or

Call us today or

WhatsApp now or

Book Online

Our Unconditional Guarantee For Applicants Who Want UK Jobs for Ugandans with Visa Sponsorship

We are so confident; that you will love the job we get for you. We offer a 100% three-month performance guarantee. We shall replace any job application that does not satisfy your expectations for free.