Paid Farm Work Abroad. Employment match-maker – placing SEASONAL FARMWORKERS into vacant roles, saving a client company the hassle and time spent finding suitable nurses. We help and prepare nurses to land their dream roles, families and businesses to solve their nursing needs.
Seasonal Farmworkers Are Plenty, Paid Farm Work Abroad And World Over, Which Is Because There Are An Estimated 570 Million Farms Worldwide. However, Who Are These Folks?
Overview Of Paid Farm Work Abroad
So, you own a farm, and it lies fallow because you do not have anyone who is there to till, cultivate and farm its commercial value out of the ground into some crops and agricultural benefits for you?
Although you’re stranded, you don’t have to be since we have the solution for your problems regarding farm work and how to make the most of your arable and productive land.
Ladies and gentlemen, we introduce the solution to your needs, and this is the migrant farmworker.
Oh, that’s what we said: the migrant farmworker.
What is that, you ask?
Well, a migrant farmworker is simply a person who is required or allowed to be absent from a permanent or fixed place of residence to seek paid or gainful employment in agricultural work wherever it may be found.
Oh yes, it is a big deal, and these farmworkers are so in-demand that they are varied in what they are called.
As you know, having more than one name implies that your skills have varied utility.
“Migrant farmworkers” are also called “migratory agricultural workers” or “mobile workers”.
They are also known as “seasonal farmworkers”, which we have on offer as Explorer Dubai Ltd.
And, make no mistake, our farm workers do their utmost when, as individuals, they are employed in temporary farm work and do move from their permanent residence to seek farm work.
As a result, they may also have other sources of employment, but that cannot interfere with the work that they will trot out for our clients or customers.
Seasonal farmworkers are plenty, the world over, that’s because there are an estimated 570 million farms worldwide.
These farms need workers who store their crops on farm.
Across the four seasons in the west, they spend winter shipping grain from their farm to ethanol plants, feed mills, and river terminals, where grain gets loaded onto barges and shipped as far as the most distant horizons.
These farmhands work with farm equipment like tractors and planters in preparation for spring tillage and planting.
In Uganda, a bimodal rainfall pattern spread over two growing seasons (May-May and September-December).
Among the numerous farmers in Uganda, diverse farming practices are used. They range from livestock-based systems in semi-arid areas such as the cattle corridor in Nakasongola to mixed crop-livestock systems in more humid regions like the Masaka district.
It is now estimated that there are over 2.4 million farmworkers in the USA alone. This figure comprises migrant, seasonal, year-round, and guest program workers.
Where Exactly Does A Seasonal Farmworker Work?
The definition of a “seasonal farmworker” comprises a large group of people working temporarily or seasonally on farms, estates, farmsteads, ranches, granges, packing plants, plantations, farmhouses, homesteads, meadows, orchards, gardens, nurseries, spreads and many more.

What Do Seasonal Farmworkers Do?
They undertake several activities to make sure they give you what’s best of what they have to offer. However, we can spell out specific tasks that the Ugandan seasonal farmworkers do:
Our seasonal farmworkers start with planting, after the second ploughing, for those farms or farmsteads which use tractors, after which planting is recommended to be done after one week. Please note that this planting will follow standard horticultural practices that involve spacing, line planting, seed rate, and fertilizer application according to what is required, when and how.
Crop Management
Seasonal farmworkers are constantly and continuously learning and upgrading their knowledge regarding the crops planted until they harvest.
Oh yes, this cycle of learning about our seasonal farmworkers helps them detect problems and offer solutions for controlling pests and diseases.
This has made them experts in their open-mindedness and learning when dealing with perennial crops, so they often do the following when on the farm:
- They know when and how to prune the plantations and orchards.
- Our seasonal farmers are managers who control runoff water by removing suspended silt from (the water of a stream) a basin for desilting water or constructing trenches and stabilizing the soil bunds.
iii. They are quick and able in providing support to crucial cash crops like bananas and coffee.
- They are also well versed in establishing windbreakers and planting shade trees for all crops. Well, the crops that require much shade.

Record Keeping
Seasonal Farmworkers record all their farming activities that are as diverse as they are encouraged to be to look at the type, quantities, and volumes of inputs acquired.
They won’t stop there, no sir.
They record acreage established of various crops, dates of planting, varieties planted, and costs involved, and all this will consider what will be required for future reference in the management of the harvesting of crops, labour, storage, primary processing, and marketing practices planning for the following seasons.
Yes, they cover a lot of ground because they are prone to cultivating (excuse the pun) your trust.
The recording also takes into account the handling of food that has been recently harvested and mature crops still in the garden.
All the while, they avoid wastage, loss of quality and any contamination of food.
They do this minutely, from crop to crop, they do as follows:
Maize (Grains)
- Harvesting the maize when it reaches maturation and ensuring it is adequately dried happens when the maize cob is facing downwards.
- Dry harvesting (clean) tools and equipment which includes tarpaulin coverings, carts, wheelbarrows, various bags and baskets.
- The storage facilities are clean and dry. Here we are talking about stores and cribs to store maize before shelling, which must be in mint condition.
- Delivering the harvested maize to a dry and clean facility for temporary storage before moving it on to its intended use.
Heaps of maize are avoided after harvesting on bare ground; this is imperative and must be observed to a T.
Sorting Paid Farm Work Abroad
Sorting, sizing, and grading are typically done by hand to remove crops that are not suitable for market or storage. They might be unsuitable because of damage caused by mechanical injuries, insects, diseases, and vermin, they may be malformed and immature too. The practice of washing best does this; being labour-intensive makes it amenable to our seasonal farmworkers.
Shelling And Threshing
Threshing or shelling comprises separating the grains. In the case of groundnuts, it involves separating the shells from the portion of the plant that holds them. This separation is done by the practice of threshing, done by hand or even by machine, by friction or by shaking the products.
All in all, our seasonal farmworkers employ agricultural practices by gathering and collating principles to apply to farm production processes. This way, they give you the best by helping and making sure you get better agricultural products.
Our season farmworkers are reliable because they cleave to the best agricultural practices to facilitate farming and literally guarantee our clients get the best out of their farms.

Why We Have The Best Database Of The Seasonal Farmworkers:
Paid Farm Work Abroad
We vet only reliable Seasonal Farm Workers for the job
Our teachers Seasonal Farm Workers, have a spotless performance record. That’s because we check each farm worker’s history for records and action.
We check and crosscheck for the English proficiencies and behaviour of our Farmworkers.
Of course, the moralities of our farm workers must gel with the highest traditions of quality service.
The ability to communicate with clients is at a premium, so our farm workers must be good communicators.
And our farmworkers must know that farming is an evolving profession or activity whose every nuance they must muster and master.
Minimum Qualifications For Seasonal Farmworkers Or Paid Farm Work Abroad.
Applicants shall meet the following minimum qualifications for working as Seasonal Farm Workers:
Applicants shall be at least 21 years old
Applicants must have a valid national ID
Applicants must have experience in farming, although a degree, diploma or certificate in agriculture will be a help.
Applicants must be able to obtain a Ugandan passport
Applicants must provide no less than 1 year of working on a farm
Previous employers and references shall be checked and verified
Applicants must show stable work history and good references for farmworkers with no more than 3 employers in the last year)
How it Works To Get Paid Farm Work Abroad
How to recruit Migrant/Seasonal Farm Workers Or Paid Farm Work Abroad from us
Step One
- Schedule a free consultation now! Or
- Call us today or
- WhatsApp now or
- Book Online
- Tell us the required:
- Quantity
- Required date
- Country
- Salary range
- Other employment benefits
We promise to respond immediately or, if not possible, within 12 hours.
Step Two
We shall give you twice the required number of CVs for selection
Step Three
- We shall organise interviews as per your reference either by:
- Physical interview- We shall help organise your accommodation and venue
- Through Skype
- We shall carry out necessary government clearances
- We shall send all the successful candidates as soon as you want us to.
- If practical interviews are required; we shall:
- Arrange and provide testing in their proficiencies
- Arrange the examination room, facilities and invigilators
- Arrange with the security agencies and provide security for visitors, participants and the venue.

What Our Clients Say
How much does it cost?
Our recruitment is ideally free.
However, we also know the international labour market is diversified with each country’s specific labour requirements and laws. We shall discuss your quote one-on-one if you so desire.
We take pride in offering affordable yet superior services.
Our Unconditional Guarantee
We are so confident; you will love our casual workers. We offer 100% three-month performance guarantee. We shall replace for free any casual worker that does not satisfy your expectations
CTA (Call To Action)
We know it is stressful to source for reliable workers to match your interests and vision. And because we know that a good casual worker gives a peace of mind by doing the things that set you at ease, we are at your service.
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