Poultry Farm Jobs Near Me. Employment match-maker – placing Poultry Farmers into vacant roles, saving a client company the hassle and time spent finding suitable nurses. We help and prepare nurses to land their dream roles, families and businesses to solve their nursing needs.
Poultry Farmers Around The World Come In All Shapes And Sizes. Nevertheless, Who Are They? Poultry Farm Jobs Near Me
Poultry Farm Jobs Near Me Overview
We all love chicken. Well, most of us do.
Chicken doesn’t only put the “C” in KFC; it sets the T in “tasty” and the poultry into farming.
Oh yes, poultry farming is a thing, and it is a big thing involving animal husbandry, leading to the raising of domesticated birds or fowls.
To those who consider the words chickens, ducks, turkeys or geese as “fowl” language, well bear with us, as poultry farmers use these words to produce meat or eggs for food. Never, we must add, offend anyone.
Jokes aside, it is undoubtedly a massive and legitimate business, never running “fowl” of the law.
Okay, puns aside, this type of farming is done by poultry farmers.
Such farmers, poultry farmers, are charged with the daily care of chickens, turkeys, ducks, or plenty of other poultry species.
The poultry species are as diverse as the activities of these farmers, who do this work chiefly to raise such poultry for meat production.
In Uganda, there are approximately 44 million chickens. But, so recently, there was a scarcity of maize, which serves as feed for commercial and backyard flocks of birds.
Yes, these chickens sure can eat!
Of this figure (44 million), much of the meat consumption in Uganda is courtesy of chicken, which makes up 65.2% of all the meat consumed by Ugandans.
The world over, this figure gets bigger.
In the USA, the average American consumes a jaw-dropping 201 pounds of meat per year.
Consequently, there are more than 8 billion chickens consumed per year in the United States of America.
So the importance of the poultry farmer cannot be underestimated in any shape or fashion.
It is a critical farming role.
That’s why we at Explorer Dubai Ltd make it a point to avail our clients of the best poultry farmers around.
While doing so, we hope to share some tricks of their trade so you or anyone of our clients and customers get the very best out of the poultry farming business.
So, let’s kick this off with a few words regarding what a poultry farmer does precisely.
What Does A Poultry Farmer Do?
Apply For Poultry Farm Jobs Near Me
- The duties and responsibilities of a poultry farmer are, as you can imagine, incredibly diverse and wide-ranging. First, however, we shall introduce you to the broad strokes of what they do.
- Distribution of feed (maize, rice feed etc.): poultry farmers have to make sure the poultry get fed, at the right time and in the right amounts.
- Administration of medicaments or medications: poultry is susceptible to diseases which might wipe out your whole flock. A poultry farmer will proactively, reactively and actively make sure this never happens.
- Keeping enclosures sanitary: Cleanliness is next to godliness; every good poultry farmer knows. So they make sure that coops and places where poultry are raised are always kept clean.
- Assuring and ensuring correct ventilation is critical, or the poultry will die. Therefore, our poultry farmers make sure that such ventilation is always proper.
- If there are any dead or sick poultry, the farmer is tasked to ensure that such animals are checked or removed accordingly.
- All the facilities are kept in proper working order by the farmer, making farming seamless and smooth.
- A good farmer is something of a behaviourist specialist when it comes to poultry. That farmer continuously checks for any changes in behaviour amongst his flock, which is to ward off illness.
- Transportation of poultry processing plants is the duty of the poultry farmer, and our farmers do this best.
- When it comes to restocking enclosures such as coops and the like with young poultry, this is what our farmers do brilliantly.
- In recordkeeping, poultry farmers ensure that the records are detailed, correct, and updated to reflect the state of their flock.
- Oversight of farm employees on a poultry farm is the farmer’s stock in trade and critical activity that our farmers do expertly.
It is important to note that poultry farming, as a sub-sector in the world of farming, is vital to the growth of agriculture. So there are many potentials, especially in the Covid-19 era where farming works safely on farms.
Beyond contributing to people’s safety, poultry is a significant source of proteins for Ugandan’s and everyone’s nutritional needs. Moreover, as it effortlessly improves people’s diets, this sub-sector is also crucial in enhancing incomes as an essential economic activity.
As an economic activity, it boosts incomes for women and the poor. This is most especially so in Uganda.
In the past few years, poultry farms in Uganda have grown exponentially. Yes, they have grown exceedingly fast!
Uganda’s high population, which loves to consume poultry and has the income to do so thanks to living in urban areas, has made sure that aggregate demand for poultry products has increased and will increase in the future.
This will lead to a dramatic rise in poultry farms across the global fraternity, making the poultry farmers integral to Uganda’s and the world’s development.

Education And Training To AcquirePoultry Farm Jobs Near Me
Poultry farmers around the world come in all shapes and sizes. Indeed, many poultry farmers hold a degree or diploma in poultry science, animal science and agriculture. As we shall see later, they may also have qualifications in a closely related area of study.
Many poultry farmers simply come as they are, like they were going to The Lord, thus joining the profession. They don’t need animal-related degrees or diplomas in poultry science, animal science, poultry anatomy, animal physiology, animal reproduction, meat production, poultry nutrition, crop science, poultry genetics, farm management and related technology, and agricultural economics and marketing.
They simply need a farm, poultry and the will and desire to make both work symbiotically as they move synergistically forward.
However, there has been some training for poultry farmers under the Information Education Communication (IEC). This training involved short courses and course units in the following:
- Parent stock technicians
- Exotic hatchery technicians
- Indigenous hatchery technicians
- Poultry masons (siting, poultry house, designs, farm planning)
- Brooder technicians
- Broiler flock technicians
- Layer flock technicians
- Poultry equipment technicians
- Poultry feed technologist (feeder, drinkers, patches, laying boxes)
- Poultry feeds technologist
- Poultry slaughterhouse and abattoir experts
- Egg processors and value addition technician
- Poultry dressing and packaging technician
- Poultry sales professionals
- Poultry manure and production experts
- Bi product technicians
- Instrument handlers
- Poultry health manager
These short courses are also available at Makerere University and varied farms that seek to develop poultry farmers’ competencies and capacities.
Naturally, all these courses dovetail or come together to up the game of the poultry farmer. So we would recommend that those aspirant poultry farmers take these courses seriously.
The Competencies Of Our Poultry Farmers So As To Get Poultry Farm Jobs Near Me
The number one competency of our Poultry Farmers is their willingness to go that extra mile for their clients while emphasizing the importance of doing the best farming jobs to build their personal competencies and skills to be of more excellent marketing value.
They exhibit a level of professionalism that is underlined by the spirit of service above self. So they are patient, obedient, calm, well-mannered and tailored to your poultry farming needs.
More specifically, however, the best practices of our Poultry Farmers come from:
- critical and honest self-awareness and understanding of their
- personal characteristics, attitudes and behaviour, which are
- necessary for being practical farmers because one will only grow when testing themselves critically and creatively.
- Updating themselves on the latest trends in Poultry Farming. This ensures that they know how to make the most of their jobs.
- awareness of the challenges which face farming and making sure they equip themselves with the right skills and attitude to surmount these challenges.
- Our farmers have great powers of concentration and good observation skills; these help them become as proactive as ever.
- continuously matching their skills and competencies with the best poultry farmers anywhere to ensure they do their job to their very best everywhere.
- Our Poultry Farmers can quickly adapt to a given situation or circumstance when the need arises; they thus may connect with the clients on a deeper level. This helps both understand their shared challenges and how to overcome them.
- Their attitude towards their farming abilities is critical, and our poultry farmers love nothing more than to tend to poultry.
- Poultry Farmers use their experience and expertise to improve on every job they do. That’s because Explorer Dubai Ltd knows how to source these motivated and hardworking Poultry Farmers in order to make sure our clients or customers get the best out of their option to go into Poultry Farming.

Benefits/Features Poultry Farm Jobs Near Me
Why We Have The Best Database Of The Best Poultry Farmers:
- We vet only reliable Poultry Farmers for the job
- Our Poultry Farmers have a spotless performance record. That’s because we check each farmer’s work history for records and action.
- We check and crosscheck for the English proficiencies, farm experiences, knowledge and behaviour of our Poultry Farmers.
- Of course, the moralities of our Poultry Farmers must gel with the highest traditions of quality service.
- The ability to communicate with clients or customers is at a premium, so our Poultry Farmers must be good communicators.
- And our Poultry Farmers must know that farming is an evolving activity or science whose every nuance they must muster and master.
Minimum Qualifications For Poultry Farm Jobs Near Me
All applicants shall meet the following minimum qualifications for our Poultry Farmers:
- Applicants shall be at least 21 years old
- Applicants must have a valid national ID
- Applicants must have a breadth of experience in the farming of the poultry variety. Still, even formal certificates, diplomas, and degrees may work.
- Applicants must be able to obtain a Ugandan passport
- Applicants must provide no less than 1 year of Poultry Farming
- Previous employers and references shall be checked and verified
- Applicants shall show stable work history and good referees (for experienced Poultry Farmers no more than 3 employers in last year)

How It Works To Get Poultry Farm Jobs Near Me
How To Recruit Poultry Farmers From Us
Step One
- Schedule a free consultation now! Or
- Call us today or
- WhatsApp now or
- Book Online
- Tell us the required:
- Quantity
- Required date
- Country
- Salary range
- Other employment benefits
We promise to respond immediately or, if not possible, within 12 hours.
Step Two
We shall give you twice the required number of CVs for selection
Step Three
- We shall organise interviews as per your reference either by:
- Physical interview- We shall help organise your accommodation and venue
- Through Skype
- We shall carry out necessary government clearances
- We shall send all the successful candidates as soon as you want us to.
- If practical interviews are required; we shall:
- Arrange and provide testing in their proficiencies
- Arrange the examination room, facilities and invigilators
- Arrange with the security agencies and provide security for visitors, participants and the venue.
What Our Clients Say
How much does it cost?
Our recruitment is ideally free.
However, we also know the international labour market is diversified with each country’s specific labour requirements and laws. We shall discuss your quote one-on-one if you so desire.
We take pride in offering affordable yet superior services.
Our Unconditional Guarantee
We are so confident; you will love our casual workers. We offer 100% three-month performance guarantee. We shall replace for free any casual worker that does not satisfy your expectations
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We know it is stressful to source for reliable workers to match your interests and vision. And because we know that a good casual worker gives a peace of mind by doing the things that set you at ease, we are at your service.
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