AC Technician Job Free Visa. Employment match-maker – placing AC technicians into vacant roles, saving a client company the hassle and time spent finding suitable candidates. We help and prepare AC technicians to land their dream roles, and businesses solve their AC technician's needs.
How Does Our AC Technician Job Free Visa Cool Your Body Temperature Hot Or Cold
AC Technician Job Free Visa Overview
It’s hot.
The climates you live in are characterised by monthly average temperatures of 18 ℃ (64.4 ℉) or higher year-round.
So you’re sweating and fanning yourself like one of those Grande dames or ladies who have just fallen in love, literally. But, unfortunately, that’s because you have collapsed under the weight of this excessive heat.
It’s unbearable. Nature is crude and unfriendly at times.
So, who are you going to call?
No, you don’t need to call the Ghostbusters.
What you need is an air conditioner to cool your temperatures to levels that are bearable and liveable.
As you might be aware, an air conditioner is a device that we use to cool down a space by removing heat from that space.
It does this by moving it to some outside the space in question. When this happens, the cool air replaces the hot air as it moves throughout a building through ventilation.
Yes, it is not a luxury to have AC Technician Job Free Visa, especially in tropical climates, which could melt everything in sight as the temperature rises.
Now you know what you need. But, first, you must install and maintain an air conditioner to ensure it runs well and is repaired whenever it experiences any faults.
So, who are you going to call?
The answer to that question will lead us to Explorer Dubai Ltd.
Oh yes, we can sort you out with the best of the best Air Conditioner (AC) technicians.
What Or Who Is An AC Technician, You Ask.
They are also known as air conditioning mechanics and installers; they specialise in installing, maintaining or repairing air conditioning units in homes or workplaces.
Indeed, any building unit or structure where the heat levels are making you feel uncomfortable.
Although AC Technician Job Free Visa tend to be very good handymen or work persons, they are trained to install and perform maintenance/repairs on AC units.
Our AC technicians do this job expertly. So let’s introduce you to our AC technicians, so you can get a fix (excuse the pun) on whom they are and what they have to deliver.

AC Technician Job Free Visa Description
As we said earlier, Air conditioning (AC) technicians are experts who handle (expertly) cooling systems to ensure proper installation, maintenance and repair of the same.
It sounds easy, yes?
Not exactly, to be an effective AC technician involves a lot of competence in your work and completing a heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration degree program and an apprenticeship. That degree is mainly needed for technicians working abroad.
In Uganda, diplomas are sufficient qualifications for you to work as an AC technician.
Yes, we are aware: anyone can get a degree or diploma. However, not everyone gets enrolled in a heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration degree or diploma program and/or an apprenticeship program.
This course is precisely what you need to do to become what our AC technicians have become as renowned technicians who perform their jobs to the best of their abilities.
But What Exactly Do Our AC Technicians Do, Anyway?
AC Technician Job Free Visa Duties & Responsibilities:
This is the million-dollar question of what AC technicians’ do being answered pricelessly by us, your loyal servants. We shall thus answer that question by breaking down the job description of a typical AC technician.
Here it goes:
- First and foremost, as we said earlier, AC technicians spend their workday installing, inspecting, maintaining, and repairing air conditioners. Yes, we know, we said this earlier. But we are repeating this for emphasis as we emphasise our AC technicians doing an excellent job for you, our client.
- AC Technician Job Free Visa is also involved in ventilating equipment and its related controls. This ensures that the same equipment and controls operate efficiently, effortlessly and very well over time. Yes, the shelf life of all equipment is extended by our AC technicians. That’s because we don’t want your money to go to waste, yet you had hoped for your equipment to work continuously. We make that happen for you and your equipment.
- In addition to such excellent work, AC technicians also perform regular maintenance work on cooling units. This ensures that the cooling units keep running uninterrupted so that you don’t ever need repairs. Okay, let’s say they reduce the possibility and need for repairs. This saves you money and stress and sweat when the heat is on.
- AC technicians are convenient, as you can see. But they go even further in diagnosing, like a medical doctor, any electrical and mechanical defects which may lead to malfunctions. So you could say they keep your equipment in perfect running condition, healthy and worthy of your life and work.
- AC Technician Job Free Visa roll up their sleeves some more when installing, replacing or repairing equipment that has been damaged or is malfunctioning. Yes, they make sure that they do excellent repairs when things get out of hand. So, this means our AC technicians always have the situation in hand and make sure that your comfort is well taken care of, dear customer.
- Here’s where it gets very technical, so stay with us. AC Technician Job Free Visa are adept at making adjustments and thereby calibrations of thermostatic controls. This involves them checking the calibration of your thermostat if you don’t know how to yourself, and they instruct that this is done once a year, typically at year-end. Of course, you might be able to locate your home’s or workplace’s thermostat yourself and tape an accurate thermometer on the wall next to it. But our AC technicians will tell you how long you have to wait and then check the temperature reading on both devices.
- AC technicians install new air-conditioning systems and equipment. You may check the manual they came with, but installing is an exact science our AC technicians have got down to a fine art.
- AC technicians also have their plates full when cleaning blowers and coils, checking the tensions of belts and motors. Yes, they go deep because our services are deep.
AC technicians are also known for making plans and designs of new air-conditioning systems. These systems designs and plans include installation and maintenance; yes: it’s those two keywords again.
When it comes to inspecting and maintaining refrigerators and ice machines and chilled water supply systems, an AC technician will get the job done. The work is so well that you be sure to enjoy that cold beer after a hard day’s work beneath the blazing sun or amidst the sweltering heat.
AC Technician Job Free Visa Skills:
You have seen the varied work they do, so they require a varied skill set that ensures that this job is done very well.
On top of this, it is also a question of attitude as AC technicians must be able and willing to work in places exposed to dust, all sorts of fumes, a lot of noise, toxic materials and high-voltage equipment.
It can thus become dangerous for them and taxing for them physically, emotionally and mentally.
But it does not end there since AC technicians must also be able to work in confined spaces. Don’t worry; we are not talking about jail.
Also, they must work in hot spaces like roofs, and crawlways which are low passageways (as in caves) that can be travelled through only by crawling and attics.
AC technicians also have to work in challenging weather, which is saturated to the brink with tropical humidity.
They will be required to lift heavy objects, which comes with bending, stooping, kneeling, and standing for long periods, like being in a gym, or working out. So they must be in good shape, physically.
Where May One Get Training To Become An AC Technician In Uganda?
This field is highly specialised, as you might imagine. So far, there are only a few academic institutions that award an enrollee or graduate a diploma.
These institutions are:
- Makerere University National Diploma in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- Kyambogo University National Diploma in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
- Kyambogo University Diploma in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Engineering
What Is An AC Technician Course?
The course comprises various refrigeration cycle studies and an understanding of psychrometry, which is defined as “the supposed ability to discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate objects associated with them”.
And so, psychometric processes are used for air-conditioning.
Furthermore, since this course involves the study concerned with the theory and technique of psychological measurement, comfort air-conditioning and indoor environmental health are also addressed in this course.
What Qualifications As An AC Technician?
- Level 1 Certificate in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
- Level 2 Diploma in Access to Building Services Engineering.
- Level 2 Diploma in Installing and Maintaining Refrigeration Systems.
- Level 3 Diploma in Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump Systems.
How Does One Get A License After Qualifying As An AC Technician?
After you have completed your AC technicians’ course, in the said trade school or college (the course typically takes about two years to complete even as some schools offer accelerated programs that can be completed more quickly), you might be offered a job-ready certification that can be completed in as little as 15 weeks. So that will serve as your license to go and work as a qualified AC technician.
You see, it is not that hard. So please go and get it.
Our Promise For AC Technician Job Free Visa
We go all the way to search and recruit those AC Technicians who understand the challenge of getting the job done. And how it is a practical experience beyond the confines of the courses they have undertaken.
We promise that our AC Technicians will follow several core competencies that serve as the very basis of their installation, repair and maintenance competencies.
It is essential that, before our AC Technicians even install, repair or maintain any equipment or address any cooling system, they need to develop several competencies to the highest possible standards. And these competencies are:
- the knowledge and skills in executing their tasks and interpersonal skills that come with treating clients and customers as they should be treated.
- a keen understanding of what is required to increase their knowledge of the client and customer’s needs, thereby making their client’s and customers’ interests of paramount importance.
- the ability to accurately assess their customer behaviour, to match their work to the level of brilliance we demand and you expect.
Why We Have The Best Database Of Ac Technicians Anywhere:
- We vet only reliable AC Technicians for the job
- Our AC Technicians have a spotless track record. That’s because we check each technician’s history for records and action.
- We check and crosscheck for the AC Technician proficiencies and behaviour of our technicians.
- Of course, the moralities of our technicians must gel with the highest traditions of quality service.
- The ability to communicate with those they serve is premium, so our technicians must be good communicators.
- And our technicians must know that knowledge of Air conditioners and other technologies is an evolving reality whose every nuance they must master.
Minimum Qualifications for AC Technician Job Free Visa
All applicants must meet the following minimum qualifications for qualifying as AC Technicians:
- Applicants must be at least 21 years old
- Applicants must have a valid national ID
- Applicants must have either a diploma, degree in technical training or apprenticeship program.
- Applicants must be able to obtain a Ugandan passport
- Applicants must provide no less than one year of working experience
- Previous employers and references will be checked and must be verifiable
- Applicants must show stable work history and good references (for experienced technicians no more than three employers in the last year)
How It Works How To Recruit AC Technicians From Us
Step One
- Schedule a free consultation now! Or
- Call us today or
- WhatsApp now or
- Book Online
- Tell us the required:
- Quantity
- Required date
- Country
- Salary range
- Other employment benefits
We promise to respond immediately or, if not possible, within 12 hours.
Step Two
We shall give you twice the required number of CVs for selection
Step Three
- We shall organise interviews as per your reference either by:
- Physical interview- We shall help organise your accommodation and venue
- Through Skype
- We shall carry out necessary government clearances
- We shall send all the successful candidates as soon as you want us to.
- If practical interviews are required; we shall:
- Arrange and provide testing in their proficiencies
- Arrange the examination room, facilities and invigilators
- Arrange with the security agencies and provide security for visitors, participants and the venue.
What Our Clients Say
How much does it cost?
Our recruitment is ideally free.
However, we also know the international labour market is diversified with each country’s specific labour requirements and laws. We shall discuss your quote one-on-one if you so desire.
We take pride in offering affordable yet superior services.
Our Unconditional Guarantee
We are so confident; you will love our casual workers. We offer 100% three-month performance guarantee. We shall replace for free any casual worker that does not satisfy your expectations
CTA (Call To Action)
We know it is stressful to source for reliable workers to match your interests and vision. And because we know that a good casual worker gives a peace of mind by doing the things that set you at ease, we are at your service.
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