Domestic Workers Or Housemaids Faqs



According to ILO convention No. 189; Migrant domestic workers (also known as foreign home care workersforeign domestic workersforeign domestic helpers, transnational domestic workersforeign domestic employees, overseas domestic workers and domestic migrant workers) are a person who is hired to carry out household chores in the employer’s home.


Yes, its works like any other job


Yes, they have Human rights just like any other person. According to the UN: “Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, without distinction as to race, colour, gender, language, religion, political or another opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or another status. All human rights, whether they are civil and political rights, such as the right to life, equality before the law and freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to work, social security and education, or collective rights, such as the rights to development and self-determination are indivisible, interrelated and interdependent. The improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the others.”


The general obligations are to carry out routine house chores. In many cases, they are employed for specific chores like cleaning or gardening. The detailed duties are in the employment contracts.


Currently Saudi Arabia and Jordan. However, the government keeps on adding more countries with time. Jordan is on temporary hold.


Running away is not an option at all. The first step is to talk to your employer if it fails to call the local office or home (Uganda) office or go to the office. If it’s an emergency then report it to the police.


The salary is normally fixed between Uganda and foreign governments. It differs from country to country. It must be in the employment contract. Currently, it’s 900 Saudi Riyal.


Ask the employer. If it fails report to your local or foreign office by the most appropriate means like a phone. Salary should be paid according to the contract terms otherwise it’s a breach of contract.


Normally two years


Yes, that is a breach of contract. There are normally penalties to pay. Most countries will ban you from going back again. Even if you changed the passport, you can’t go back as they capture your figure prints and face.


Yes, this is a must and compulsory for all workers. Ensure you have one or else complain as explained here.


No, unless with the consent of the foreign recruitment agency and if you wish with the Uganda Embassy but with your consent


From experience they include:

  1. Working beyond contract hours
  2. Delayed salary
  3. Denial or over-restriction on communication back home
  4. Slow cultural appreciation for example dress code and restriction of movement.
  5. Sometimes physical abuse



Raise it with the employer. If it fails raise it using the most appropriate communication method like your phone or mail. Always try to get evidence for the complaint.


Minimum of two months

It’s a mandatory full medical test as approved by the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries. Certain medical tests must be done. The tests must all be passed before issuing a visa. They include:

a. General Medical Examination:

        i. Blood Pressure

        ii. Chest Xray

       iii. Eyesight

       iv. ENT

       v. Hernia

       vi. Hydrocele

       vii. Skeletal Structure

      viii.  Skin

b.  Mental Illness

        i. Appearance

        ii. Behaviors

        iii. Speech

        iv. Cognition (memory, mood, concentration and thoughts)

c. Laboratory Investigations

        i. Blood

        ii. HIV

        iii. Sugar

        iv. Stool

        v. TPHA (Syphilis)

       vi. HCG (Pregnancy)

d. Vaccination status

       i. Polio

      ii. MMR I

     iii. MMR 2

     iv. Meningitis



This is your employer


No this is not allowed. You should keep yourself from such temptations. Remember they cannot marry you but will if the kid is an Arab, retain the child and deport you.


It’s optional. But would be good if your beliefs allow it.



Yes, contract completion is a prerequisite for contract renewal. Your boss can renew normally at a higher pay if impressed by your performance.