Why Hiring House Maids From Uganda Such A Good Fit For USA?
Recruitment Experts – placing House Maids into vacant roles, saving a USA company and family the hassle and time spent finding suitable House Maids themselves. We help businesses solve their House Maid needs.

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Throughout the year and for many years, the housemaids you hire from Explorer Dubai Ltd. will work hard to keep your home clean and tidy.


Having a maid is convenient, but having one who is reliable, conscientious, and clean is another ballgame.


Our Ugandan maids free us to focus on our professional and personal lives. So at least you can relax mentally while you’re away from home.


In a country with cutting-edge infrastructure like the USA, it’s essential to have a housekeeper who won’t let the place fall to pieces.


The maids we provide will also look after your child or children while you are away. Our housekeepers will always remember the stereotype that the USA are sloppy with their hygiene. Since you can’t choose the best Ugandan housemaids on your own, Explorer Dubai Ltd operates under the assumption that we can.


Call us whenever you need us! Our company, Explorer Dubai Ltd., is the premier Ugandan employment agency.

Precisely What Does The Term “Housemaid” Entail?


When you hear or read the word “housemaid,” you might think of two different things. First, picture a house, which is understood to be a building that includes a living room, bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, bathrooms, and a veranda. The other depicts a housemaid. Then, of course, you’ve seen bridesmaids at a wedding. They ensure the bride is well-cared for and presents herself to the world in an attractive, well-informed, and organized manner. The only difference is that a housemaid goes above and beyond the call of duty. In all practical respects, she is performing maternal responsibilities. She maintains order and cleanliness in the home. That’s a house Maid, and Explorer Dubai Ltd. employs a large force of them.


A “housemaid” is a woman or girl employed to perform housework. They take care of all your housework needs, including meal preparation, laundry, and cleaning. When you have to go to work, your maid can watch the kids so you can focus on housework. You just have to trust us to take care of the housework and the kids, right down to the newborns, when you have to be away for long periods.


Women in their forties and fifties are now filling the role of housemaids in Uganda, which teenage girls traditionally held.


The maid will work full-time (including nights) or part-time, depending on the terms agreed upon by the employer and the maid.


Most employers prefer maids who are flexible with their hours.


As a household member, a maid is expected to work long hours and be reliable because she has a close relationship with her employers.


Yes, you don’t want a housemaid who will be unreliable in terms of showing up for work.


Why Are That Ugandan House Maids So In Demand In the USA?


It takes some practice to learn to recognize a clean housemaid (Unintentional humour) Understanding which domestic helpers are worth keeping takes some extra work. To that end, Explorer Dubai Ltd. provides these services. When deciding whether or not a person is up to a particular job or assignment, we consider their personality, mental fortitude, and physical fitness. Indeed, it is precisely because of you that we exist. To recruit on your behalf, yes. Therefore, we ensure that our maids possess the following characteristics that make them uniquely qualified to perform housekeeping duties in your Saudi home:


Effective Hygiene Practices


Cleanliness is paramount for a reliable house Maid. Please remember that these are the people who work on your food. They serve the food. Your kids will be safe in their hands. You should only hire a house Maid if she has good personal hygiene, because, as the old adage goes, charity begins at home.


Excellent Stamina And Physical Condition


Explorer Dubai Ltd. has physically capable housemaids who will do any housework requiring exertion. We realize it takes work to keep a house spotless, sweep the grounds, fumigate the walls, do the laundry, prepare three meals a day, etc. That’s why a reliable house Maid can handle these tasks and more with ease.


Affectionate And Devoted


House Maids have many other responsibilities besides just maintaining cleanliness and order in the home. For example, they provide elder care in addition to their babysitting services. Our maids have received special training in providing this level of care to the elderly and children.


Effective Stress-Controllers


Many families rely on maids, who frequently work long hours and full-time. A reliable house Maid knows how to deal with the pressures of exhaustion. Therefore, they should always be on time. You don’t need a reminder every few minutes to complete your chores.


Diligent And Prompt In Their Work.


The reliability of our maidservants has made them in demand in the USA.


Our house Maids are available at your convenience morning, noon, night, weekend, or holiday. This will allow them to complete the tasks in as little time as possible while still being careful and dedicated to the job. To avoid errors, they don’t rush through the process.


Successful Communicators


They are good at both speaking and writing because they have to talk to a lot of different people. So, they are always looking for ways to learn more about languages and improve their communication ability. Moreover, since Arabic is the most common tongue spoken in the USA, people there are always eager to pick up new skills in the language.


Extreme Mellowing And Deference


  1. Housemaids must keep going even though they do a lot of work around the house on a daily basis. They don’t grumble about trivial things like some other workers might. Instead, they keep their cool even when they’re completely worn out from their jobs. This is just one of the many marketable abilities that have made them popular in the USA and beyond.
  2. House Maids don’t need as much education as the average job. Still, even they need at least an O-level certificate or the equivalent.
  3. It’s preferred that you have worked at a house Maid for at least a year.
  4. You need to show proof that you’re at least 21 years old.
  5. You must do the training, which may involve learning new skills such as cooking, cleaning, fumigating, or others as they come up.
  6. Having excellent listening and talking skills is essential.
  7. You should be prepared to work for long periods of time.
  8. You should expect to put in extra time, even on days off. These times may occur in the wee hours of the morning or late at night.
  9. You need to be polite, engaging, and well-mannered.
  10. You need to be someone who thrives on being part of a tight-knit team that moves quickly.


Here Are 42 Mind-Blowing Facts And Figures About The United States That Ugandans Like.

In many respects, the United States is unlike any other country. As a result, the United States of America has amassed many achievements and accolades. 

There is no shortage of remarkable things that can be said about the United States, from its position as the world’s military superpower and one of the most prosperous nations on the planet to its status as the world’s leading exporter of entertainment.

Although the United States is home to more billionaires than any other country, the average American is not among the world’s wealthiest. The city in each state with the most billionaires is listed below, as are the countries with the highest per capita incomes.

  1. The United States Is Almost As Big As Europe.

The United States is a very sizable country.

The United States occupies nearly as much physical space as the entire continent of Europe, making it the world’s third-largest country.

(2) Superb Sportspeople From Around The Globe

Americans have won more Olympic medals than any other country.

  1. Variability In Climate

The United States is unique among nations in that it encompasses every climatic region.

  1. Attractiveness To Visitors From Around The World

Tourists worldwide flock to the United States, making it the third most popular destination after Spain and France.

  1. Sources Of Potable Water

The United States and Canada share Lake Superior, the world’s largest freshwater body. The lake is 31,700 square miles in size.

6 – Workplace

The Pentagon, home to the US Department of Defense, is unparalleled regarding office space.

7 Reasons To Go To Space

Americans are the only ones who have ever set foot on the moon.

8 – Where do Immigrants End Up

More people have immigrated to the United States than any other country: nearly 45 million.

  1. The Music Channel

Jazz, rock ‘n’ roll, hip hop, country, folk, R&B, soul, and gospel are just some genres that have gained international popularity thanks to their origins in the United States. Hollywood dominates the industry.

The US film industry is the world’s biggest, oldest, and most lucrative. In 2019, the American film industry made about $33 billion, per research firm IBISWorld.

  1. Pizza World

In the past month, pizza was consumed by more than nine out of ten Americans. It has been calculated that Americans eat enough pizza daily to cover about 100 acres.

Governmental Assets 11

The federal government owns about a third of the land in the United States or roughly 650 million acres.

  1. Fast-Food Country

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 37% of all US adults, or 84.8 million people, eat fast food at least once monthly.

America Is Not Solely American Territory, As Stated In Sentence 13.

At least 28.3 million acres of US farmland is owned by foreign investors, an area roughly the size of Ohio, according to the USDA.

Presidency No. 14

The United States pioneered using “President” as the official title of the nation’s chief executive.

Presenting: Inventions, 15

The United States plays a pivotal role in the worldwide creative process. American ingenuity has resulted in many valuable and innovative products, including aeroplanes, computers, cellphones, potato chips, and the light bulb.

  1. So America is dog crazy, right?

The United States is home to an estimated 75.8 million canines, or more than twice as many as the canines in Brazil, the country with the next highest estimate.

  1. The US economy is enormous.

The United States only has about 5% of the world’s population but produces about 25% of all international income.

18 – Oil Extraction

The United States has surpassed Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest petroleum producer in the last decade. In 2019, the country’s daily oil production of 18.23 million barrels was significantly higher than that of Saudi Arabia, the world’s second-largest oil producer. Crude oil, other petroleum liquids, and biofuels are all considered oil.

19: Oil Use

The United States also consumes the most oil of any country. Total daily oil consumption accounts for 20.48 million barrels, including use for gasoline, distillate fuel oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, and jet fuel.

US Flag, Number 20

A high school student created the current version of the American flag.

Amendment Number Twenty-One

Some estimates put the number of firearms in the United States at 101 per 100 people. However, there are 58 firearms for every 100 people in Serbia, making it the second-highest gun ownership rate in the world.

  1. The Imperial Metric System

Three countries, including the United States, still need to adopt the metric system. The other two are Liberia and Burma.

  1. Years Employed

In the United States, the median length of employment for a wage or salary worker is 4.2 years.

  1. Density Of The Populace

California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Georgia, and North Carolina are home to more than half of the United States population.

It’s No Secret That 25.

In 2017, 21.4 million people in the United States had passports, an all-time high.

  1. Individualism And Faith In Oneself

Recent research from the Pew Research Center found that more Americans than any other country surveyed (57%) believe that each person is ultimately responsible for their level of success in life.

  1. US Citizens Have A Penchant For Frequent Relocation.

The United States of America is one of the world’s most transient societies. Gallup found that 24% of adults in the United States have relocated within the country in the past five years.

Extreme Weather: 28.

The United States is home to three out of every four tornadoes worldwide.

  1. The 32nd Annual Presentation of the Nobel Prizes

More Nobel Prizes have been given to Americans than to any other nation.

  1. Natural Variety

In terms of the variety of animals, fish, and plants that call it home, the United States is in the top ten worldwide.

  1. Woodlands

After Canada, Brazil, and Russia, the United States has more than 3.1 million square miles of forest land.

Thirty-Two. The American Passion For Football

An estimated 114.4 million Americans watched Super Bowl XLIX in 2015. This makes it the most-watched program in the history of American television. However, the 98.3 million average viewers for Super Bowl LIII in 2019 was the lowest in over a decade. 

America Is Linked Up (33).

About 90% of Americans, and about 54% of the rest of the world, are online users.

Kindness, 34,

According to the 2018 World Giving Index, published annually by the international nonprofit organization Charities Aid Foundation, the United States is one of the most generous nations in the world, ranking just behind the USA, Indonesia, and New Zealand.

Extensive coastlines (35).

The United States coastline totals roughly 12,380 miles, making it longer than all but eight other countries.

  1. The 40th Largest Employer In The World Is Located Here.

Walmart, which was founded in Arkansas in 1962, now employs 2.2 million people and is the largest private-sector employer in the world.

  1. Higher Learning 

The United States has the best higher education system in the world, attracting more than a million international students every year.

Energy (#38)

The United States uses the most energy per person globally and is responsible for 21% of global consumption. The United States’ energy production ranks second worldwide.

  1. Top Cities: The Top City In Each State

As the popularity of craft beer has grown, the number of breweries in the United States has skyrocketed, from 89 in 1978 to 7,450 in 2018.

Breweries, 40

Happy tidings for beer fans. Due in large part to the popularity of craft beers, the number of breweries in the United States has increased from 89 in 1978 to 7,450 in 2018.

  1. American corporations are the best in the world.

Regarding market capitalization, nine out of the top 10 companies in the world are American-based. In addition, the United States is home to 54 of the world’s 100 largest publicly traded companies.

Most Billionaires (42)

According to CNBC, the United States has 705 billionaires, more than the following four countries. The United States is home to seven of the world’s ten wealthiest people.

Why Should You Hire Explorer Dubai Ltd for House Maids in the USA?


At Explorer Dubai Ltd, we pride ourselves on understanding our client’s concerns. We go above and beyond to ensure their safety and well-being. Here’s why we are always a step ahead of other Ugandan recruitment agencies for House Maid in the USA:

  • We have a proven long and successful history of providing qualified and experienced House Maid to the USA.
  • We offer a hassle-free and cost-effective service.
  • We are also dedicated to finding the best match between the candidate and the employer.
  • We have a proven track record of successful placements.
  • We offer a personal and professional service.
  • We provide the best quality service.
  • We offer the most competitive rates.
  • We have a good reputation.

What Our Clients Say

The three easy processes that US employers take to hire Ugandan labour here at our company are:

How Does Our Three-Step Recruitment Process Work?

The three easy processes that US employers take to hire Ugandan labour here at our company are:

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  1. Remember to give us your demand specifics, including:
  2. The necessary number of staff members
  3. The date by which you require them
  4. The country of the worker’s final destination.
  5. The workers’ salary range.
  6. The age, experience and academic requirements
  7. Basic medical tests to be done

We guarantee an immediate response, and if that’s not feasible, one within the next twelve hours.

We will provide you with twice as many resumes as the minimum required for selection.

      We will schedule candidates interview in accordance with your preference, which will consist of either:

A physical interview. During this, we will assist in the organization of your accommodation and interview location; Or

An interview conducted through Skype


We are going to get the appropriate clearances from the government.

You will receive the Ugandan workers right at the Airport of your choice!

Our Guarantee

At Explorer Dubai Ltd we’re confident that you’ll appreciate our House Maid professionals. We also offer a 3-month performance guarantee and will replace any House Maid that doesn’t meet your expectations for free. Our House Maid are professionals that have become a necessity for our clients over the years overseas.

How Much Does It Cost?

We keep our recruitment ethical and completely free.

Nevertheless, we are quite familiar with the international migrant labour market because the criteria for workers in each country vary. We understand that each country’s labour requirements differ, and we are happy to discuss your specific needs in a one-on-one conversation.

 Our goal is to provide superior services at an affordable price. We take great pride in providing services that are both low-cost and of the highest possible quality.

Get In Touch with Us

Regarding House Maid professionals for USA workers, there are many factors to consider. But you can’t go wrong with Ugandan House Maid if you’re looking for a reliable, efficient, cost-effective House Maid. Their years of experience know how to handle any situation and always have your best interests at heart. So, consider a House Maid for your work if you need a professional House Maid.

Our Recruitment Top Secret

“Now, let me reveal this brand-new secret that everyone else is talking about! Finding reliable House Maid who can be relied on is a stressful process. We are at your service because we know that hiring a reliable House Maid will allow you to focus on important activities. Hire a Ugandan House Maid for your work or home care today! We have a very fast deployment pace!


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