Reasons Why Bahrain Should Hire Lifeguards From Uganda
Recruitment Experts – placing Life guards into vacant roles, saving a Bahrain company the hassle and time spent finding suitable Lifeguards themselves. We help businesses solve their Life guard’s needs.

Do you need qualified lifeguards to protect your beach or swimming pool in Bahrain? Now you know that Explorer Dubai Ltd. employs the finest Ugandan lifeguards. Our lifeguards genuinely are the best in the business regarding saving lives.




The fact that the desert meets the sea in Bahrain is genuinely unique. The picturesque is among the most breathtaking landscapes in the entire country.


These draw many swimmers who want to take in the breathtaking scenery and revel in the wonders of nature. But we know you’ll wish to have a watchful eye on you just in case something happens while you’re swimming. So, a lifeguard is necessary, yes.


Lifeguards are there to save the day when someone is in danger of drowning. In addition, lifeguards are employed to prevent drownings and other aquatic mishaps at public and private swimming facilities such as beaches, rivers, and pools. They achieve this goal by carrying out a variety of activities.


The BAHRAIN Police Warning On Swimming


There is important of teaching people to respect the water and to recognize the risks they face when venturing into the ocean.


Never let your children swim unattended; if you have a pool at home, use caution even when there are lifeguards present.


According to the World Health Organization report, drowning is the third leading cause of death from accidental injuries, accounting for 7% of all injury-related deaths worldwide.


Drowning is the cause of death for approximately 400,000 people annually around the world.


The Police are demanding more be done to prevent drownings and have urged parents to do their part by keeping their attention on their children rather than their phones.


The Abu Dhabi Police Department has warned parents not to leave their children unattended at public pools or beaches.


The Police recommend that adults keep a close eye on their children whenever they’re near water.


According to the Abu Dhabi Police Department, “negligence is considered a major cause of child drowning incidents.”


“Families shouldn’t be on their phones or have the pool at maximum capacity when kids are using it,” the Police advise.


“Families must monitor children and only permit them to swim after taking precautions and in the company of a swimming and rescue qualified person,” says the American Red Cross.


According to Rebecca Carter, regional manager of Absolute Swimming Academy in Dubai, a swimming instructor should be required of all students.


Swimming is a life skill that needs to be taught to children, and she stressed the importance of starting them off early.


It’s fantastic that some schools include swimming in their curriculum, but more schools should make this a priority.


A parent’s top priority should be teaching their child to swim, especially given the abundance of pools where kids can hone their skills.


Indeed, more must be done to stop the tragic uptick in drownings. Child drownings are increasing due to parents abandoning their young ones in unsafe environments. Parents shouldn’t assume their child is completely safe just because they believe they can swim.

Okay. The Job of a Lifeguard: What Do They Do?


Lifeguards are there to save the day when someone is in danger of drowning.


Lifeguards are engaged to prevent drownings and other aquatic mishaps at public and private swimming facilities such as beaches, rivers, and pools. They achieve this goal by performing the following activities:


  1. In order to prevent injuries, near-drownings, and other potentially fatal incidents, lifeguards impose safety restrictions for swimmers to follow. Warnings of extreme severity may occasionally accompany certain laws and regulations.
  2. Furthermore, they instruct swimmers in water safety practices. They do this by giving the swimmers instructions on how to complete their goals while swimming.
  3. In the unfortunate event of an emergency involving a swimmer, lifeguards are there to help.
  4. In fact, they have the authority to prevent swimmers from entering a pool if there is a risk to their safety. It is not the end of the line for lifeguards.
  5. They act as a type of supervision. As part of their job, they oversee the proper functioning of various pieces of machinery. They keep an eye on everything that goes down in the pool areas by keeping in constant contact with the swimmers.
  6. The lifeguards’ duty to keep watch over the pool extends to responding to any emergencies that may arise among the swimmers. When an emergency happens at a place where people swim, such as a beach, pool, river, or lake, they take immediate action and perform rescues.
  7. We are all well aware of how important it is to have a clean environment in which to live and work. Similarly, lifeguards are responsible for maintaining a sanitary and secure atmosphere around the pool.


The Primary Concerns Of Lifeguards


Lifeguards are on the lookout for the following types of swimmers:


  1. Those who stop moving or even submerge themselves in water are said to be passive drowning swimmers. In this case, the lifeguards must act quickly and rescue the victim.
  1. If a swimmer is drowning, they struggle to keep their heads above water. When this happens, the swimmer invariably swallows water. Therefore, a lifeguard needs to act swiftly to save the sufferer.
  2. Swimmers in trouble may only sometimes require immediate assistance. Yet, when lifeguards see that a person has trouble swimming, they sometimes swim to assist them.
  3. The fourth group consists of “typical” swimmers. They are all fit adults who can swim without any supervision.

Exactly Why Do Bahrain Employers Seek Out Ugandan Lifeguards?


We at Explorer Dubai Ltd. feel confident placing our lifeguards in BAHRAIN or any place else in the world because of their proficiency in meeting international standards. However, professional lifeguards in Uganda differ from their peers worldwide in several ways. The following describes these skills and traits:


Honest And Diligent


You can trust the lifeguards in Uganda completely. You can count on them to get the job done every time. Because of this, we are in charge of ensuring the public is safe. Of course, this is of the utmost importance to the people of BAHRAIN, who look for the most trustworthy security staff they can find.


Capable Interlocutors


Those in BAHRAIN value the ability of Ugandans to communicate effectively. It is common for Ugandan lifeguards to be fluent in multiple languages. And this aids them while communicating with clients from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Also, they are great at communicating, so if there is a rescue or medical emergency, they can immediately get in touch with other lifeguards and the right people.


Able To Perform At A High Level


Ugandan lifeguards have a wide array of valuable abilities. Rescue techniques and the treatment of spinal injuries are among these abilities. As a result, they are in high demand in BAHRAIN and elsewhere since they are always learning new ways to use their specialized knowledge.


Having the Capacity to Lead


Ugandan lifeguards are known for their ability to take charge in the face of chaos and calm the public down. This skill is put to use in the event of a coordinated rescue of a swimmer in distress. Given that lifeguards seldom have to complete a task independently, they must be able to work well in a group and take the lead when necessary.




When it comes to saving lives, lifeguards from Uganda are true experts. That means they work long hours and treat their clients with the highest dignity. Therefore, you should always be on time, manage your time wisely, and look at the part by donning the appropriate attire and adopting the right frame of mind.


Knowledge Of Preventative Measures


In other words, lifeguards in Uganda always come to work in the right clothes and with all the PPE they need. They never sleep. Thus, any crisis can always be handled by them.


Fitness And Stamina To Spare


The lifeguards in Uganda are in such great shape that they can keep going for hours without tiring.

In BAHRAIN, where temperatures often range from about 65 to about 102 degrees Fahrenheit, this is a very important trait.

Nine Exciting Facts About Bahrain That Ugandan AC Technicians Love


Bahrain is the third smallest country in Asia. It is thought that Arabian and Persian cultures lived together there. This Persian Gulf country has no land borders with any other countries. The country’s name means “two seas,” which makes sense given that Bahrain has one of the world’s longest coastlines. Here are some interesting facts about Bahrain.

  1. Bahrain is an archipelago in the Persian Gulf with 33 islands.
  2. Bahrain is the Middle East’s smallest country and Asia’s third-smallest country, with an area of only 295 square miles.
  3. The natives of the country adore coffee. They think drinking coffee is one of their most important activities with friends. That is why there are so many coffee shops where people can enjoy a cup of coffee while chatting with their friends. Because it is flavoured with cardamom or saffron, the coffee in Bahrain tastes different from European coffee.
  4. The education system in the country, which is said to be the oldest in the Arabian Peninsula, is divided into primary, intermediate, and secondary levels. Because education is free and mandatory for both boys and girls, most natives can read and write. So, the government can be happy that its efforts to educate have led to a high level of literacy among women.
  5. Bahrain’s flag set the Guinness World Record for the most giant flag in 2004, measuring 169.5 meters long and 97.1 meters wide.
  6. The Kingdom has one of the world’s largest mosques, the Al-Fateh Mosque, which covers an area of 6,500 square meters and, in 2006, became the official site of Bahrain’s National Library, which houses over 7000 books.

The existence of “The Tree of Life” would be surprising in a country known for having little to no rain. A 400-year-old tree stands alone in the desert with no known water source.

Bahrain is the world’s genuine pearl. At the turn of the century, the world discovered that the seas off Bahrain held the purest pearls.

  1. In Bahrain, if you take a picture of a local person without their permission, you could go to jail because this is seen as a violation of their privacy.


How to Become a Lifeguard in Uganda


  1. You need a certificate showing that you have completed secondary school.
  2. Learning how to swim and administering first aid are prerequisites.
  3. You need to go through training, which includes regular swimming and first aid lessons.
  4. It would be best if you had excellent listening and talking skills.
  5. You should be prepared to labour for long periods.
  6. You should expect to put in more time, even on days off.
  7. You must have a pleasant demeanour, be polite, and make others want to talk to you.
  8. It would be best if you were someone who thrives on being part of a well-oiled machine and enjoys collaborating with others.

Why Should You Hire Explorer Dubai Ltd for Life Guards in Bahrain?


At Explorer Dubai Ltd, we pride ourselves on understanding our client’s concerns. We go above and beyond to ensure their safety and well-being. Here’s why we are always a step ahead of other Ugandan recruitment agencies for Life guards in BAHRAIN:

  • We have a proven long and successful history of providing qualified and experienced Life guards to Bahrain.
  • We offer a hassle-free and cost-effective service.
  • We are also dedicated to finding the best match between the candidate and the employer.
  • We have a proven track record of successful placements.
  • We offer a personal and professional service.
  • We provide the best quality service.
  • We offer the most competitive rates.
  • We have a good reputation.

Why Should You Hire Explorer Dubai Ltd For Life Guards In Bahrain?

At Explorer Dubai Ltd we pride ourselves on understanding our client’s concerns. We go above and beyond to ensure their safety and well-being. Here’s why we are always a step ahead of other Uganda recruitment agencies for Lifeguards for Bahrain facilities:

  • We have a long and successful experience in providing qualified and experienced Lifeguards to Bahrain homes and offices.
  • We offer a hassle-free and cost-effective service.
  • We are dedicated to finding the best match between the Lifeguards and the job at hand.
  • We have a proven track record of successful placements.
  • We offer a personal and professional service.
  • We provide the best quality service.
  • We offer the most competitive rates.
  • We have a good reputation.

What Our Clients Say

Here is what a few of our satisfied customers in BAHRAIN had to say.

The Uganda Lifeguards made a huge difference in my construction company. Expat Engineer from India working in BAHRAIN


The knowledge that Uganda Lifeguards possess is really impressive to us. Real Estate owner in BAHRAIN City.

How Does Our Three-Step Recruitment Process Work?

The three easy processes that Bahrain employers take to hire Ugandan labor here at our company are:

Our Guarantee

At Explorer Dubai Ltd we’re confident that you’ll appreciate our Lifeguards professionals. We also offer a 3-month performance guarantee and will replace any Lifeguards that don’t meet your expectations for free. Our Lifeguards are professionals that have become a necessity for our clients over the years overseas.

How Much Does It Cost?


We keep our recruitment ethical and completely free.

Nevertheless, we are quite familiar with the international migrant labour market because the criteria for workers in each country vary. We understand that each country’s labour requirements differ, and we are happy to discuss your specific needs in a one-on-one conversation.

 Our goal is to provide superior services at an affordable price. We take great pride in providing services that are both low-cost and of the highest possible quality.

Get In Touch with Us

Regarding Life guards professionals for Bahrain works, there are many factors to consider. But you can’t go wrong with Ugandan Lifeguards if you’re looking for reliable, efficient, cost-effective Lifeguards. Their years of experience know how to handle any situation and always have your best interests at heart. So, consider Lifeguards for your work if you need professional Lifeguards.

Our Recruitment Top Secret

“Now, let me reveal this brand-new secret that everyone else is talking about! Finding reliable Lifeguards who can be relied on is a stressful process. We are at your service because we know that hiring reliable Lifeguards will allow you to focus on important activities. Hire Ugandan Lifeguards for your work or home care today! We have a very fast deployment pace!


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