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Here’s Why Hiring A Nanny From Uganda Is Your Best Bet In Canada

Hiring A Nanny From Uganda
Here's Why Hiring A Nanny From Uganda Is Your Best Bet In Canada
If you need reliable and experienced nannies to care for your infant or young children, look no further than Explorer Dubai Ltd.



In addition to providing excellent infant care, our Ugandan nannies will ensure your home is spotless. In addition, they carry out other clerical duties around the house. The reason is that we are mindful that Canadian housing and infrastructure are state-of-the-art. Furthermore, approximately 69% of Canadian households are homeowners. About 66 per cent of Canadian families fall into this category. Therefore, your home needs a nanny, but not one who will make it look like a war zone.


When you hire one of our nannies, your kids will be cared for in a setting that is both enjoyable and conducive to good health. Your child’s health and safety, indoors and out, will be of no concern to you.


A nanny can either live in your home full-time or work set hours per day, such as when you are at work and they are caring for your children. Whatever the case, a live-in nanny is an ideal caretaker for your Canadian home.


Our nannies from Uganda are like second mothers to us in every way. Here at Explorer Dubai Ltd, we only hire the most qualified babysitters.


When Asked To Define A Nanny, What Words Come To Mind?


A nanny is a woman who is hired to look after your child or children in your home. A nanny is expected to be upright and morally stimulating because they are responsible for raising your child or children. Remember that nannies are just like moms. Your kid will probably start imitating the nanny’s habits when she moves into the house.


A Nanny’s Duties Are Described.


Among the many things our nannies help us with are:


  1. The kids are fed regularly at regular intervals and given the right amounts of healthy food and fluids.
  2. They perform tasks like dishwashing, sweeping the house and yard, mopping the floor, scrubbing the bathroom, etc…
  3. A nanny’s primary responsibility is to ensure the kids are safe and sound, especially when playing.
  4. They go with kids everywhere, from school to the playground.
  5. They go to the supermarket or other stores to pick up necessities.
  6. So that the kids won’t get bored at home, they make the house fun. It’s undeniable that kids enjoy playing. When it comes to entertainment, they are particularly fond of children. What this means is that they will not tolerate a dull nanny.
  7. When it’s cold outside, nannies ensure the kids get a warm bath and stay toasty dry. Then, they do things like help the kids get dressed and change their diapers.
  8. In addition, babysitters ensure the health of the houseplants and garden by watering, trimming, and otherwise caring for them.
  9. They take care of the family’s laundry, including the kids’ clothes.
  10. In addition, nannies help kids with their schoolwork.


For What Reason Are Ugandans In Such High Demand Across The Canadian Economy?


When it comes down to it, nannies only need so much schooling. A nanny only needs an O- or A-level certificate to work in the field. But our Ugandan nannies have these qualities that make them so in demand in modern-day Canada:


Expertise In The Kitchen; Knowing How To Cook


The Ugandan nannies we employ are well-versed in the art of culinary diversity. In addition, our nannies are highly adaptable and skilled, so they will quickly pick up the skills necessary to make most of the food eaten in Canada. They have excellent culinary skills, no doubt about it.


Kind And Patient With Young Ones.


All of our babysitters have a lot of tolerance for the kids. Their ability to deal with pressure is exceptional. Taking care of children is not easy; that is true. We’re lucky to have nannies who genuinely care about the kids.


Ability To Administer First Aid


They are well-versed in pediatric first aid and other child safety concerns. The nannies at our house are so attentive that they keep an eye on the kids even when they’re outside playing. The kids are protected from potential dangers by these people.


Ethically Stimulating


Also, Canadian families who need nannies often look to us because of the high quality of our Ugandan nannies and the moral example they set. Kids can pick up on a nanny’s tricks around the house and yard. Our nannies have high ethical standards.


Maintaining Proper Hygiene And Sanitation


Smart and well-groomed, that’s what they are. Due to the high expectations placed on them as role models for the children in their care, they dress following the standard Canadian dress code for nannies.


High Levels Of Humour


In addition, they have a great sense of humour. When it comes to playtime and story time, the kids are never bored with them. In light of this, our nannies constantly look for new ways to make the kids smile. That kids enjoy playing is a given.


Extremely Revered


There is also no evidence of disobedience among our babysitters. On the contrary, they hold themselves to an extremely high standard of respectability. That’s why many Canadian families are actively seeking out nannies from Uganda.


The Ability To Maintain An Intense Physical Effort


They enjoy robust health and physical prowess. Those who suffer from infectious diseases should not try to find work as babysitters. For safety, we only hire nannies in good physical condition but also know that they will be expected to perform a great deal of housework.


Here Are The Top Three Things You Need To Know About Our Babysitters And Faith:


Like the rest of North America, Canada is home to people from a wide range of religious backgrounds. Both religious and nonreligious members of our Ugandan nanny staff hold the following values in the highest regard. They will use them as guides in their daily lives:


Canada is religiously diverse, but Christians comprise most of the population. The 54.6% Christian population includes about 27% Anglicans and 29.4% Roman Catholics. Islam (4.9%), Hinduism (2.3%), Sikhism (2.3%), Buddhism (1.0%), Judaism (0.9%), indigenous spirituality (0.1%), and Jainism (0.1%) make up the remaining religious groups. Our Ugandan nannies are the best fit for your Canadian home because they are accustomed to working with children from various cultural backgrounds and religious traditions.

Canada’s government protects freedom of religion. Canadians have a healthy respect for everyone and their religious beliefs, although many are moving away from religion. In reality, the Canadian government imposes few constraints on religious practice. Since Canada upholds religious pluralism and the right to freedom of worship, citizens can practice whichever faith they prefer. Even Canada’s national anthem makes a religious reference. Ugandans are a special population to target when looking to fill a position due to their established practice of religious pluralism. Our Ugandan babysitters are guaranteed to win your heart.

In Canada, there is no official religion. Since a growing percentage of Canadians claim no religious affiliation, the country is moving in the direction of becoming secular. Christians have been dwindling in number for some time. About 34.6 per cent of Canadians in 2019 claimed no religious affiliation. Ugandans respect everyone, even those who don’t share their religious beliefs, because of how many different religions are practised by the majority of the population. We are confident that our Ugandan nannies will be the perfect fit for your Canadian home because they are used to interacting constructively with people of varying religious backgrounds.

A Canadian Nanny’s Requirements


Since its inception, Canada has regularly welcomed newcomers, most of whom have come to work. About 23 per cent of Canada’s population is foreign-born, making it the world’s eighth-largest immigrant population at 8.3 million, as Wikipedia reported.


Canada is the fourth largest country in land area. Still, it is home to a relatively small 36,991,981 people (as of the 2021 Canadian national census). This clarifies why so many people from other countries are moving to Canada to work in manufacturing, transportation, hospitality, and the service industry.


The Economic Immigration Class, which includes workers, reports an annual average of about 173,000 foreign workers, most of whom establish themselves in urban centres like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal. As a result, the following qualifications are essential in Canada if you want to work as a nanny:


  1. Either an O- or an A-level is required.
  2. You need at least one year of relevant work experience as a nanny, preferably in Uganda but elsewhere.
  3. You must be at least 21 years old.
  4. It would be best if you were open to training, which involves the constant study of
  5. You’ll need to be familiar with various Canadian culinary techniques.
  6. It would be best if you had excellent listening and talking skills.
  7. You must work well with customers from all walks of life. Being able to communicate in more than one language is an asset.
  8. It would be best if you were prepared to work for long periods. Also, as a nanny, you should be prepared to stay in one place for an extended period.
  9. Weekend and holiday work is expected, so be flexible. Those times may fall in the wee hours of the morning or the dark of night.
  10. Politeness, poise, and an engaging demeanour are all necessities.
  11. You need to thrive in a fast-paced, collaborative team environment.

Here Are 10 Interesting Truths About Canada That Make Ugandan Nannies Love Canada


Think you know the real stuff there is to know about the wild and free North? Then, when you finish reading these interesting nuggets about Canada, you’ll have a new appreciation for our great nation.


The European Union is smaller than Canada.


When you told people you were from Canada, did they ever ask if you knew Kimberly from Vancouver or Theo from Montreal? For those who have never travelled across our country, the sheer size of its landmass can be challenging to conceptualize. Here are a few interesting facts about Canada that will help put the country’s massive size into perspective. It’s larger than the European Union as a whole (33 times the size of Italy and 15 times the size of France), 30% larger than Australia, 5x the size of Mexico and 3x the size of India, and roughly the same size as 81,975 Walt Disney Worlds. That means you need to become more familiar with Kimberly or Theo.


Canada’s coldest temperature ever recorded rivals that of Mars.


Anyone who has chiselled their car out of a block of ice in the morning knows Canada can get quite cold in the winter. This is one of the least surprising facts about the country. January in Ottawa sees an average low of -14.4 °C (6.1 °F). That’s a chilling thought! However, Snag, Yukon, recorded a temperature in 1947 that made the rest of Canada’s winter weather look like a tropical getaway. On February 3, 1947, the tiny community of Snag experienced a temperature of -63 degrees Celsius (-81.4 degrees Fahrenheit). That’s about as cold as the Martian ground!


More lakes can be found here than anywhere else on Earth.


Many wonderful things can be found in Canada, such as hockey players, parkas, and Tim Hortons coffee shops. One of the most interesting things about Canada is that it has more lake area per capita than any other country. That’s right! North America’s Great White North has 563 lakes larger than 100 square kilometres. About 18% of all the fresh lake water on Earth is found only in the Great Lakes. What a lot of water, and what a beautiful landscape.


The coastline of Canada is the longest in the entire world.


It would take you four and a half years to walk the entire length of Canada’s coastline if you did not stop for food, to rest your feet, or to sleep. Look, Canada has the longest coastline in the world and is surrounded by three oceans (the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific) that may not immediately bring to mind clear blue waters and white sand beaches. Canada’s coastline is 202,080 kilometres long, nearly a fifth of the world’s total of 356,000 kilometres of ocean frontage. Indonesia, which has a coastline of 54,716 kilometres, is the only other country that comes close.


There are 10 per cent of the world’s forests in Canada.


The abundance of trees in Canada is well-known, but did you know Canada is home to 30% of the world’s boreal forest and 10% of the world’s total forest cover? The country has an astounding 396.9 million hectares of forest and other wooded lands, and 68% of that is coniferous. What’s the cherry on top? Most of the wooded areas are owned by the government.


The only walled city in the Americas is located in Canada.


Unlike any other Canadian (or American) city, the walls surrounding Quebec City make it unique. Fact: Quebec City is the only city north of Mexico with fortified walls, making it one of Canada’s most exciting cities. Between the 17th and 19th centuries, the French and the English strengthened Quebec City’s defences. As a result, all of Quebec’s old city, including the fortifications, is now recognized as a World Heritage Site.


Regarding oil reserves, Canada dwarfs Russia by a factor of six.


Canada is estimated to have 176.8 billion recoverable barrels of this thick, viscous liquid. Specifically, Canada’s oil sands contain a plethora of crude bitumen, a semi-solid form of petroleum. Canada is home to about 70.8% of the world’s estimated 249.67 billion accessible barrels of the black stuff, four times more than Kazakhstan and six times more than Russia.


Canada has larger national parks than any other country.


Compared to other countries, Canada’s parks are tiny. A prime example is the Nahanni National Park Reserve in the Northwest Territories, which is home to some of the world’s largest waterfalls and spans an impressive 30,050 square kilometres (more significant than Albania and Israel). In addition, Alberta and the Northwest Territories are home to Wood Buffalo National Park, which is 44,807 square kilometres, and is more extensive than Denmark and Switzerland combined.


Canada’s currency is the strongest in North America.


For all you risk-takers, here’s an interesting tidbit about Canada. If you’re looking for a once-in-a-lifetime swimming experience (while still being sensible and wearing a life vest), head to Seymour Narrows in British Columbia. Tide speeds of 17 km/h during the flood and 18 km/h during the ebb have been recorded along this section of the Discovery Passage, making them among the fastest ever recorded. The other coast is where you’ll find the incredible 15-meter tides in the Bay of Fundy.


The city of Alert, Nunavut, is the northernmost inhabited place on Earth.


Alert, Nunavut, located at the northernmost tip of Ellesmere Island, is Earth’s northernmost permanently inhabited place. It is only 817 kilometres from the North Pole. Despite its lack of shopping centres and cinemas, military and scientific personnel stationed in the area call Alert home. Understanding that the warmest month, July, has an average temperature of a balmy 3.4 degrees. Celsius will help you understand why the phrase “temporary home” is used here (38.1 F). The lowest monthly average temperature is -32.19 degrees Celsius, reached in January (-26 F). It’s easy to see why they’d call it Alert.

Why Should You Hire Explorer Dubai Ltd for Nannies in Canada?


At Explorer Dubai Ltd, we pride ourselves on understanding our client’s concerns. We go above and beyond to ensure their safety and well-being. Here’s why we are always a step ahead of other Ugandan recruitment agencies for Nannies in Canada:

  • We have a proven long and successful history of providing qualified and experienced Nannies to Canada.
  • We offer a hassle-free and cost-effective service.
  • We are also dedicated to finding the best match between the candidate and the employer.
  • We have a proven track record of successful placements.
  • We offer a personal and professional service.
  • We provide the best quality service.
  • We offer the most competitive rates.
  • We have a good reputation.

Why Should You Hire Explorer Dubai Ltd. for Nannies in Canada?

At Explorer Dubai Ltd we pride ourselves on understanding our client’s concerns. We go above and beyond to ensure their safety and well-being. Here’s why we are always a step ahead of other Uganda recruitment agencies for Nannies for Canada facilities:

  • We have a long and successful experience in providing qualified and experienced Nannies to Canada homes and offices.
  • We offer a hassle-free and cost-effective service.
  • We are dedicated to finding the best match between the Nannies and the job at hand.
  • We have a proven track record of successful placements.
  • We offer a personal and professional service.
  • We provide the best quality service.
  • We offer the most competitive rates.
  • We have a good reputation.

What Our Clients Say

How Does Our Three-Step Recruitment Process Work?

The three easy processes that Canadian employers take to hire Ugandan labour here at our company are:

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  1. Remember to give us your demand specifics, including:
  2. The necessary number of staff members
  3. The date by which you require them
  4. The country of the worker’s final destination.
  5. The workers’ salary range.
  6. The age, experience and academic requirements
  7. Basic medical tests to be done

We guarantee an immediate response, and if that’s not feasible, one within the next twelve hours.

We will provide you with twice as many resumes as the minimum required for selection.

      We will schedule candidates interview in accordance with your preference, which will consist of either:

A physical interview. During this, we will assist in the organization of your accommodation and interview location; Or

An interview conducted through Skype


We are going to get the appropriate clearances from the government.

You will receive the Ugandan workers right at the Airport of your choice!

Our Guarantee

At Explorer Dubai Ltd we’re confident that you’ll appreciate our Nannies professionals. We also offer a 3-month performance guarantee and will replace any Nannies that don’t meet your expectations for free. Our Nannies are professionals that have become a necessity for our clients over the years overseas.

How Much Does It Cost?


We keep our recruitment ethical and completely free.

Nevertheless, we are quite familiar with the international migrant labour market because the criteria for workers in each country vary. We understand that each country’s labour requirements differ, and we are happy to discuss your specific needs in a one-on-one conversation.

 Our goal is to provide superior services at an affordable price. We take great pride in providing services that are both low-cost and of the highest possible quality.

Get In Touch with Us

Regarding Nannies professionals in Canada works, there are many factors to consider. But you can’t go wrong with Ugandan Nannies if you’re looking for reliable, efficient, cost-effective Nannies. Their years of experience know how to handle any situation and always have your best interests at heart. So, consider a Nannies for your work if you need a professional Nannies.

Our Recruitment Top Secret

“Now, let me reveal this brand-new secret that everyone else is talking about! Finding reliable Nannies who can be relied on is a stressful process. We are at your service because we know that hiring reliable Nannies will allow you to focus on important activities. Hire a Ugandan Nannies for your work or home care today! We have a very fast deployment pace!


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